Video marketing has proven to be a very effective way to expand your brand and promote your website online.? This is true whether you are creating a small affiliate site or are setting up a website for your small business.? The biggest barrier that seems to exist isn?t a lack of desire to create videos, but rather a general fear of doing so.? The benefits of video marketing have become even more crystallized over the past several years and there is little chance that video will become less important in the future.? Here are a few things to think about when deciding whether or not to finally take the plunge and start video marketing.
The first thing to realize is that the people watching your videos are going to know whether or not you are an amateur or a professional.? In the end, this doesn?t really matter.? Most people don?t expect to go onto YouTube and find thousands of professionally created videos.? They expect to find home videos and amateur videos.? Just because your online video doesn?t look like a professional movie trailer, it doesn?t diminish its value at all.? In fact, some of the most successful business related videos are little more than someone sitting in front of their computer, with poor lighting, and just talking.? There?s no need to waste a lot of time learning how complicated video editing software works in order to add splash effects and graphics.? All you need to do is know how to record a video, do a few simple edits if need be, and publish it.
Here?s another way to think about it.? Do you have to be a professional writer in order to start a blog?? Absolutely not.? The same is true for video marketing.? Every skill has first to be learned and it is only by going through the process of learning about it and actually doing it can a skill becomes more refined.? If anything, this should be a motivation to start video marketing today, because it means that six months or a year from now you are going to be infinitely better at it than you are right now.
Video marketing has proven to be uniquely beneficial for a number of reasons.? The biggest reason is that it allows you access to a source of traffic that is unique.? If you create a two-minute video that someone watches and they then click over to your website, they are already invested in what you are trying to tell them.? As a result, they have pre-qualified themselves in a way that is difficult to replicate elsewhere.
Another benefit is that it allows you to capture the attention of people who otherwise would ignore your message.? People tend to learn in different ways and naturally choose mediums that they are comfortable with.? If your website visitors prefer not to read your text, then video is a great way to bridge the gap.? This not only pulls more people onto your website, but also improves their user experience once they are there.? As a result, they will stay on your website longer, are more likely to share your website with others, and will be more likely to spend money with you.
February 12, 2012
Tags:?host then profit, video marketing? Posted?in:?Training
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