Monday, December 26, 2011
With Microsoft Out, Who Will Keynote CES 2013?
Sunday, December 25, 2011
VW agrees to kick the "Crackberry" habit (Reuters)
FRANKFURT (Reuters) ? The backlash against twenty-four-hour connectivity has started.
Carmaker Volkswagen has agreed to deactivate e-mails on German staff Blackberry devices out of office hours to give them a break.
Under an agreement with labor representatives, staff at Europe's biggest automaker will receive e-mails via Blackberry from half an hour before they start work until half an hour after they finish, and will be in blackout-mode the rest of the time, a spokesman for VW said.
The new email regime applies to staff covered by collective bargaining so it would seem board level executives will still be slaves to their Blackberries.
Very few companies have taken such drastic measures to force workers towards a better work-life balance.
Telecommunications company Deutsche Telekom introduced a "Smart-Device-Policy" last year that calls on workers to claim communication-free time when they are off work, in exchange for a promise that management will not expect them to read e-mails or pick up the phone all the time.
"Mobile communication devices offer a great amount of freedom, but also embody the risk of no longer being able to switch off," the company said.
Kasper Rorsted, the chief executive of consumer goods maker Henkel, told a German newspaper last month that he was imposing a Blackberry-free week for the management board between Christmas and New Year - unless there is an emergency.
"I don't want to have to read mails just because someone is bored somewhere and wants to show he's busy," he told Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung.
Volkswagen, which has about 400,000 employees worldwide, aims to overtake Japan's Toyota as the world's biggest carmaker by 2018 by selling 10 million vehicles per year.
VW's move comes two months after millions of customers of the Blackberry -- made by Research in Motion -- were frustrated by a three-day global service disruption, showing how much many rely on continuous, reliable e-mail and instant messenger service.
But in Europe's biggest economy, where burnout is blamed for almost 10 million sick days a year, labor representatives are keen to limit the amount of time that employees spend responding to e-mails at weekends and during vacation.
German IT body Bitkom published a study this year showing that 88 percent of German workers are reachable for clients, colleagues and bosses by e-mail or mobile phone outside of working hours, compared with only 73 percent two years ago.
The move at Volkswagen will affect 1,154 workers at the company's six plants in Germany, daily Wolfsburger Allgemeine Zeitung cited VW works council member Heinz-Joachim Thust as saying this week.
So far, he said, the response to the decision to deactivate e-mails at night has been very positive.
Not everyone has signed up to the idea that a country which prides itself on being the industrial heartbeat of Europe can do without workers being available at all hours.
A spokeswoman for RWE said the German utility had no agreement comparable to the one at Volkswagen and indicated it was unlikely there was going to be one anytime soon.
"You have to take into account that at a utility many employees need to be reachable and on the job all the time since they have to make sure that power and gas are flowing night and day, that lights are on and that it's warm inside," she said.
For some employees their handheld devices have become so addictive that the term "CrackBerry" has been coined.
As Financial Times columnist Jurek Martin wrote this week: "The Declaration of Independence states, quite clearly, that all Americans have an inalienable right to life, liberty and connectivity, previously known as the pursuit of happiness."
(Reporting by Maria Sheahan; Additional reporting by Christoph Steitz; Editing by Mike Nesbit and Chris Wickham)
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Saturday, December 24, 2011
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California Attorney General Sues Fannie and Freddie
California Attorney General Kamala Harris is asking the court to force Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to turn over information about their servicing, foreclosure, property leasing, and mortgage securitization activities in the state.
Harris issued subpoenas to each of the GSEs last month, which according to the Los Angeles Times, outlined 51 questions the attorney general wanted answered ? just one facet of Harris? investigation to ascertain the extent to which mortgage lenders and servicers contributed to the state?s foreclosure and housing crisis.
According to multiple media reports, Harris? lawsuits against the two GSEs, filed Tuesday in California Superior Court in San Francisco, claim Fannie and Freddie have refused to comply with the subpoenas.
Bloomberg Businessweek says in the complaints, Harris maintains the GSEs are ?frustrating the Attorney General?s efforts to investigate and combat crime, blight and other threats to the health and safety of Californians.?
Fannie and Freddie?s regulator, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), had reportedly instructed the two mortgage financiers not to respond to Harris? initial subpoenas on the grounds that states do not have the authority to take such action against the federally controlled GSEs.
Attorneys for FHFA described Harris? request for information as ?frequently vague and ambiguous? and one that would place a burden ?nothing short of staggering? on the GSEs in order to gather the details she?s demanding, according to the Associated Press.
Harris wants Fannie and Freddie to identify all the California homes on which they foreclosed, as well as whether or not any were used for drug dealing or prostitution and the impact such activity had on the property?s value.
The attorney general?s office also plans to look into the history of tax payment on the properties, evictions involving military families, and the GSEs? actions related to the purchasing, packaging, and re-selling of so-called toxic mortgages.
Harris announced an official alliance with Nevada Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto earlier this month for the purpose of coordinating efforts between their offices in order to speed up investigations of misconduct and fraud within the mortgage industry. Harris said at the time that she is making ?mortgage-related law enforcement action a top priority.?
The two AGs joined forces after both dropped out of the multi-state effort to negotiate a settlement with the nation?s top five mortgage servicers over the robo-signing abuses that were disclosed last fall.
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Friday, December 23, 2011
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Turkey set for spat with France over "genocide" bill (Reuters)
PARIS/ANKARA (Reuters) ? Relations between France and rising regional power Turkey are likely to nose-dive after a vote in the French parliament on Thursday that would make it a crime to deny that the 1915 mass killing of Armenians was genocide.
Faced with French President Nicolas Sarkozy's open hostility to Turkey's all-but stagnant bid to join the European Union, and buoyed by a fast-growing economy, Ankara has little to lose by picking a political fight with Paris.
With Turkey taking an increasingly pivotal and influential role in the Middle East, especially over Syria, Iran and Libya, France could experience some diplomatic discomfort, and French firms could lose out on lucrative Turkish contracts.
Even though nearly 100 years have passed since the killings that coincided with World War One, successive Turkish governments and the vast majority of Turks feel the charge of genocide is a direct insult to their nation.
Turkish leaders also argue that the bill, proposed by 40 deputies from Sarkozy's party, is a blatant attempt at winning the votes of 500,000 ethnic Armenians in France in next year's elections, limits freedom of speech and is an unnecessary meddling by politicians in a business best left to historians.
"This proposed law targets and is hostile to the Republic of Turkey, the Turkish nation and the Turkish community living in France," Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan wrote in a tersely worded letter to Sarkozy last week.
"I want to state clearly that such steps will have grave consequences for future relations between Turkey and France in political, economic, cultural and all areas," he said.
The volume of trade between France and Turkey from January to November this year was more than $13.5 billion, according to Turkish government statistics. France is Turkey's fifth biggest export market and the sixth biggest source of its imports.
The French government has stressed that the bill, which mandates a 45,000-euro fine and a year in jail for offenders, is not its own initiative and pointed out that Turkey cannot impose unilateral trade sanctions.
"We have to remember international rules and with regard to Turkey it's a member of the WTO (World Trade Organisation) and is linked to the European Union by a customs union and these two commitments mean a non-discriminatory policy towards all companies within the European Union," said French Foreign Ministry spokesman Bernard Valero.
The Turkish government has ruled out an embargo, but has hinted at a boycott. "There will be an effect on consumer preferences," said Turkish Industry Minister Nihat Ergun.
Others went further and suggested French firms might lose out in profitable defense deals and contracts to build energy pipelines and Turkey's first nuclear power station.
"France is about to commit a political sin. Newly arising French-Turkish ties in the energy sector may not be in a position to overcome this," state-run Anatolian news agency quoted Energy Minister Taner Yildiz as saying.
When France passed a law recognizing the killing of Armenians as genocide in 2001, Turkey was in the midst of an economic crisis, and reacted in a similar vein, but figures show trade between the two countries nevertheless grew steadily.
The French lower house of parliament first passed a bill criminalizing the denial of an Armenian genocide in 2006, but it was finally rejected by the Senate in May of this year.
The new bill was made more general to outlaw the denial of any genocide, partly in the hope of appeasing the Turks. While it is very likely to be approved by the lower house, it could also face a long passage into law, though its backers want to see it completed before April's French presidential election.
Armenia, backed by many historians and parliaments, says some 1.5 million Christian Armenians were killed in what is now eastern Turkey during World War One in a deliberate policy of genocide ordered by the Ottoman Empire.
Ankara denies the killings constitute genocide and says many Muslim Turks and Kurds were also put to death as Russian troops invaded eastern Anatolia, often aided by Armenian militias.
The Republic of Turkey emerged from the remnants of the Ottoman Empire in 1923 after more than 10 years of almost continual warfare against the British, French, Russians, Arabs, Armenians and Greeks, all of them intent on carving off territory from the dying state.
After war, massacres, famine and massive population movements, the new republic was much more religiously and ethnically homogenous than ever before and Turkey's new leaders pursued a secular nationalism that turned its back on the past.
"The problem is that the Turkish people don't know what happened," said Cengiz Aktar, professor of political science at Istanbul's Bahcesehir University.
While folk memories of the trauma survive in the villages of eastern Turkey, the education system has always set out to deny any official policy to kill off the Armenians, instead painting a picture of valiant Turks emerging victorious from onslaughts on all sides from treacherous former friends and allies.
The French bill feeds into the sense that many Turks have that they are unwanted by an arrogant Europe and fires up nationalist fervor, though in a more self-confident Turkey, Turkish popular reaction has been more muted than in the past.
Francois Rochebloine, president of the Franco-Armenian friendship group in the French lower house and a leading proponent of the bill, said he did not expect any lasting repercussions.
"These pressures already existed when France in 2001 recognized the Armenia genocide," said Rochebloine. At that time, he said, "we received two cubic meters of mail and faxes (opposing it), but life continued and Turkey is not mad."
But the Turkey of 2011 is a very different place from 10 years ago.
"Today, unfortunately (Turkey's) EU process ... is almost dead and Turkey's hands are not tied anymore. Turkey's economy is one of the strongest in the world so for this Turkey, one should make a different calculation," Volkan Bozkir, the head of Turkey's Parliamentary Foreign Affairs Committee, said in Paris after lobbying French officials.
(Writing by Jon Hemming; Editing by Mark Heinrich)
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Thursday, December 22, 2011
Techmeme: Kindle Fire no longer blocks Android Market website (@kevinctofel / GigaOM)
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Monday, December 19, 2011
Cox Communications sells 20MHz wireless spectrum to Verizon for ...
Cox Communications Announces Agreement to Sell Advanced Wireless Spectrum to Verizon Wireless
Cox and Verizon Wireless will become agents to sell each other's residential and commercial products
ATLANTA, Dec. 16, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Cox Communications announced that it has entered into an agreement to sell to Verizon Wireless its 20 MHz Advanced Wireless Services (AWS) spectrum licenses covering 28 million POPs for $315 million. The sale of Cox's AWS spectrum to Verizon Wireless is an important step to ensure that consumers' growing demands for mobility will be met. This agreement does not include Cox's 700 MHz spectrum licenses, the company's Cox Wireless customer accounts or any other assets.
Separately, Cox and Verizon Wireless will also become agents to sell each other's residential and commercial products and services through their respective sales channels. Over time, Cox may have the option to sell Verizon Wireless' services on a wholesale basis. In addition, Cox expects to enter into arrangements with the innovation technology joint venture formed by Verizon Wireless, Comcast, Time Warner Cable and Bright House Networks to better integrate wireline and wireless products and services.
"These agreements provide Cox customers with key enablers to mobility, such as access to Verizon Wireless' 4G LTE network and iconic wireless devices," said Pat Esser, president of Cox Communications. "We look forward to the many benefits this will bring to customers."
The sale and transfer of Cox's advanced wireless spectrum to Verizon Wireless is subject to approval by the Federal Communications Commission and review under the Hart-Scott Rodino Act and other customary conditions.
Cox announced last month that it would no longer sell its Cox Wireless service, but would continue to provide service to its wireless customers through March 30, 2012.
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Sunday, December 18, 2011
Stock index futures signal early rebound (Reuters)
(Reuters) Stock index futures pointed to a higher open on Wall Street on Thursday, with futures for the S&P 500 up 0.3 percent, Dow Jones futures up 0.5 percent and Nasdaq 100 futures up 0.5 percent at 0906 GMT.
* European stocks were up 0.7 percent in morning trade, halting a steep one-week drop, but the gains were seen boosted in part by short covering while negative news on the corporate front, from Credit Agricole's (CAGR.PA) profit warning to Telefonica's (TEF.MC) dividend cut, kept investors on edge.
* On the macro front, investors awaited a flurry of data, including November Producer Price Index as well as industrial production and capacity utilization figures.
* Retailers will be in the spotlight after Swedish fashion group Hennez & Mauritz (H&M) (HMb.ST) posted a third straight monthly fall in sales at established stores in November as economic woes and unusually warm autumn weather across its main markets kept customers away from the shops.
* China's factory output shrank again in December after new orders fell, the HSBC flash manufacturing purchasing managers' index (PMI) showed, cementing expectations that manufacturers are struggling with waning global demand and tight domestic credit conditions.
* China has further revised up its solar power development target for 2015 by 50 percent from its previous plan, state media reported on Thursday.
* Dynegy Holdings, a unit of energy producer Dynegy Inc (DYN.N), entered into a settlement with the Public Service Enterprise Group Inc (PEG.N) that had filed for dismissal of the company's bankruptcy motion.
* Aetna Inc (AET.N), the third largest U.S. health insurer, raised its estimate for 2011 and 2012 operating earnings per share and said it bought back 40 million shares through Dec 9 this year.
* U.S. stocks fell for a third day and hit their lowest level in two weeks on Wednesday as widespread risk aversion sank commodity prices, sent the euro to an 11-month low against the dollar and drove Italy's borrowing costs to a euro-era high.
* The Dow Jones industrial average (.DJI) dropped 131.46 points, or 1.10 percent, to 11,823.48. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index (.SPX) fell 13.91 points, or 1.13 percent, to 1,211.82. The Nasdaq Composite Index (.IXIC) lost 39.96 points, or 1.55 percent, to 2,539.31.
* The S&P 500 (.SPX) fell below its 50-day moving average, signaling a breakdown of its recent trading range between that level and the 200-day moving average at the top end. The move has some analysts expecting further weakness.
(Reporting by Blaise Robinson; Editing by Hans-Juergen Peters)
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Saturday, December 17, 2011
World's shortest woman wants to be Bollywood star (AP)
AGPUR, India ? A high school student in central India was recognized as the world's shortest woman by Guinness World Records on Friday as she turned 18, saying she hopes to earn a degree and make it in Bollywood.
Jyoti Amge stood just 62.8 centimeters (24.7 inches) tall ? shorter than the average 2-year-old ? when Guinness representatives visiting from London measured her at a ceremony attended by about 30 family and friends in the town of Nagpur, in Maharashtra state.
A teary-eyed Amge, dressed in one of her finest saris, called the honor an "extra birthday present" and said she felt grateful for being small, as it had brought her recognition. After receiving a plaque, she and her guests cut a birthday cake.
"I have put Nagpur on the world map. Now everyone will know where it is," said Amge, who says she dreams of one day becoming a Bollywood film star as well as pursuing a university degree after she finishes high school this year.
"I want to be an actor," she said.
She measured 7 centimeters (2.76 inches) shorter than the 22-year-old American Bridgette Jordan, who had held the title since September.
"Jyoti encourages us all to look beyond mere size and to just celebrate our differences," Guinness adjudicator Rob Molloy said.
This was not Amge's first Guinness record. Until Friday she was considered the world's shortest teenager, but in turning 18 qualified for the new title. She has grown less than 1 centimeter (0.4 inch) in the last two years, Guinness said in a statement, and will grow no more due to a form of dwarfism called achondroplasia.
Her teenage title brought the chance for multiple Guinness-sponsored trips to Japan and Italy for tours and meetings with other record holders, she said.
The title of shortest woman in history continues to be held by Pauline Musters, who lived in the Netherlands from 1876 to 1895 and stood 61 centimeters (24 inches) tall.
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FACT CHECK: Gingrich off on his budget history
WASHINGTON (AP) ? Newt Gingrich overlooked a couple of years of red ink when he asserted Thursday night that he balanced the budget for four years as House speaker. And in claiming sole credit for the achievement, he glossed over the fact that budgets are not a one-man show: There was a Democratic president in town, too.
In the last debate before the leadoff Iowa Republican presidential caucuses, Gingrich persisted in repeating a claim he has made often in the campaign, sometimes more accurately than others. Here and there, other candidates, too, reprised misstatements or partial truths from the string of debates and from the stump. Mitt Romney once again declared he has spent his life in the private sector, ignoring his years as governor and political candidate.
A look at some of the claims in the debate and how they compare with the facts:
GINGRICH: "I balanced the budget for four straight years, paid off $405 billion in debt ? pretty conservative."
THE FACTS: In the 1996 and 1997 budget years, the first two years he served as speaker of the House of Representatives, the government actually ran deficits. In 1998 and 1999, the government ran surpluses. Two more years of surpluses followed, but Gingrich was gone from politics by then and had nothing to do with them.
Moreover, the national debt went up during the four years Gingrich was speaker. In January 1995, when he became speaker, the gross national debt was $4.8 trillion. When he left four years later, it was $5.6 trillion, an increase of $800 billion.
To be sure, Gingrich did not single-handedly deepen America's debt, just as he didn't balance any budgets on his own. He was a driving force, along with Democratic President Bill Clinton and figures in both houses of Congress, in the economic setbacks and advancements of that time.
ROMNEY: "I spent my life, my career, in the private sector."
THE FACTS: This is true ? except for four years as Massachusetts governor, recent years running for president in the 2008 and 2012 elections, a few years running the Olympics and the time he put into his failed run for a Senate seat in 1994.
In essence, Romney has devoted himself to political endeavors since his successful run for governor in 2002, and has been pursuing the presidency for five years.
A month after his term as governor ended in 2007, he announced his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination. After John McCain defeated him for the nomination, Romney devoted himself to building a political network, helping Republican candidates raise money, and writing a book that set the stage for his second run for president.
Indeed, Romney, who made his fortune as founder of the investment firm Bain Capital, has not held a private-sector job with a regular paycheck for more than a decade.
MICHELE BACHMANN: "We have an IAEA report that just recently came out that said literally Iran is within just months of being able to obtain that (a nuclear) weapon."
RON PAUL: "There is no U.N. report that said that. It's totally wrong, what you just said."
Bachmann: "It's the IAEA report."
THE FACTS: As Paul said, the report of the International Atomic Energy Agency does not state that Iran is within months of having nuclear arms. The U.N. agency report does suggest that Iran conducted secret experiments whose sole purpose is the development of nuclear weapons but did not put a time frame on when Iran might succeed in building a bomb, and it made no final conclusion on Tehran's intent.
Bachmann also erred by arguing that Iran has "stated they will use it (a nuclear weapon) against the United States."
Iran vehemently rejects that it is developing a nuclear bomb, let alone that it plans to drop one on the U.S.
ROMNEY: "I'm firmly in support of people not being discriminated against based upon their sexual orientation. At the same time, I oppose same-sex marriage. That's been my position from the beginning."
THE FACTS: In large measure, Romney has been consistent in those two positions, despite accusations of flip-flopping on gay rights.
He walked a fine line back in his failed 1994 Senate campaign, vowing to fight for equality but stopping short of endorsing gay marriage. That's the same line he walked Thursday night.
He has changed, though, on whether gay marriage should be addressed at the state or federal level. He has favored a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage at least since the beginning of his 2008 presidential bid, when he was the only major Republican candidate to do so. In 1994, he had said the matter should be decided by individual states. That was before the idea of a constitutional ban had gained traction in politics.
BACHMANN: "After the debates that we had last week, PolitiFact came out and said that everything I said was true."
For the second debate in a row, Gingrich complained that Bachmann wasn't getting her facts straight, this time when she went after him for the big money he made from Freddie Mac. In her own defense, Bachmann cited ratings from PolitiFact, a fact-checking organization that ranks statements on a scale from true to false, with the worst offender being "Pants on Fire" false.
PolitiFact rated two Bachmann statements from last week's debate. One, claiming Gingrich once believed in an individual health care mandate, was ranked mostly true. The other, that Romney introduced "socialized medicine" in his state, was judged "Pants on Fire" false.
Indeed, Bachmann has the worst record of accuracy in the Republican field, as rated by that organization and traced by others. Fully 73 percent of her statements checked by PolitiFact were judged mostly false or worse. Gingrich was wrong the next most often, 59 percent of the time.
Associated Press writers Steve Peoples, Bradley Klapper, Douglass K. Daniel and Jim Drinkard contributed to this report.
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Friday, December 16, 2011
`New Hollywood' producer Bert Schneider dies at 78 (AP)
LOS ANGELES ? "Five Easy Pieces" producer Bert Schneider, credited for inspiring a "New Hollywood" band of independent filmmakers, has died in Los Angeles at 78.
With producer-director Bob Rafelson, Schneider also created the Monkees pop band.
Daughter Audrey Simon tells the Los Angeles Times ( that Schneider died on Monday of natural causes at Olympia Medical Center.
Schneider produced 11 movies from 1969 to 1981, including "Easy Rider," "Five Easy Pieces" and "The Last Picture Show." Those movies about rootlessness and discontent became symbols of a new era that helped filmmakers break out of the studio system.
Schneider also produced the Oscar-winning 1974 anti-Vietnam War documentary "Hearts and Minds."
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Thursday, December 15, 2011
Video: Congress gets into the holiday spirit
Fight club: Most bar brawls start on dance floor
If you shake your booty on the dance floor of a crowded bar, you could be in for a world of hurt. And your lousy dance moves are not to blame. A recent study shows that the dance floor is the most likely place for fights to break out inside a large drinking establishment.
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Wednesday, December 7, 2011
RIM loses BBX trademark battle, next OS is named BlackBerry 10
Continue reading RIM loses BBX trademark battle, next OS is named BlackBerry 10
RIM loses BBX trademark battle, next OS is named BlackBerry 10 originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 06 Dec 2011 23:02:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Mothers are not reaching breastfeeding goals -- what needs to change?
[ | E-mail |
Contact: Vicki Cohn
Mary Ann Liebert, Inc./Genetic Engineering News
New Rochelle, NY, December 5, 2011More mothers are breastfeeding their newborns, but for too short a duration to gain the maximum benefits of breastfeeding for both mothers and infants. New observations and a variety of strategies for encouraging women to breastfeed longer are presented in a collection of articles in Breastfeeding Medicine, the Official Journal of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine, published by Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. The articles are available online at
"The key issues are identified as education of the healthcare providers and the patients and a support system in the early weeks postpartum," writes Ruth Lawrence, MD, Editor-in-Chief of Breastfeeding Medicine and Professor of Pediatrics, University of Rochester School of Medicine, in her Editorial.
Dr. Lawrence emphasizes that this is a global problem. Despite the fact that initiation of breastfeeding has increased to about 75% of mother-baby pairs, the report of the Third Summit on Breastfeeding, held in June 2011 and published in Breastfeeding Medicine (Volume 6, Number 5, 2011), "focused on the deplorable duration in spite of improvement in initiation," she says.
The current issue features a series of articles that propose a variety of approaches, including mechanisms for intervening during pregnancy and after delivery and discharge home. They highlight the important role that community-based public health programs, prenatal education programs including those made available on the internet, and the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program can play in encouraging longer duration of breastfeeding. Article topics include: "WIC and Breastfeeding Support Services: Does the Mix of Services Offered Vary with Race and Ethnicity?;" "Early Postpartum: A Critical Period in Setting the Path for Breastfeeding Success;" "What Predicts Intent to Breastfeed Exclusively? Breastfeeding Knowledge, Attitudes, and Beliefs in a Diverse Urban Population;" "An Internet-Based Education Program Improves Breastfeeding Knowledge of Maternal-Child Healthcare Providers;" and "A Structured Public Health Approach to Increasing Rates and Duration of Breastfeeding in Romania."
Breastfeeding Medicine, the Official Journal of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine, is an authoritative, peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary journal published bimonthly in print and online. The Journal publishes original scientific papers, reviews, and case studies on a broad spectrum of topics in lactation medicine. It presents evidence-based research advances and explores the immediate and long-term outcomes of breastfeeding, including the epidemiologic, physiologic, and psychological benefits of breastfeeding.
Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. is a privately held, fully integrated media company known for establishing authoritative peer-reviewed journals in many promising areas of science and biomedical research, including Journal of Women's Health, Childhood Obesity, and Pediatric Allergy, Immunology, and Pulmonology. Its biotechnology trade magazine, Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News (GEN) was the first in its field and is today the industry's most widely read publication worldwide. A complete list of the firm's 70 journals, books, and newsmagazines is available on our website at
Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. 140 Huguenot St., New Rochelle, NY 10801-5215
Phone: (914) 740-2100 (800) M-LIEBERT Fax: (914) 740-2101
AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
[ | E-mail |
Contact: Vicki Cohn
Mary Ann Liebert, Inc./Genetic Engineering News
New Rochelle, NY, December 5, 2011More mothers are breastfeeding their newborns, but for too short a duration to gain the maximum benefits of breastfeeding for both mothers and infants. New observations and a variety of strategies for encouraging women to breastfeed longer are presented in a collection of articles in Breastfeeding Medicine, the Official Journal of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine, published by Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. The articles are available online at
"The key issues are identified as education of the healthcare providers and the patients and a support system in the early weeks postpartum," writes Ruth Lawrence, MD, Editor-in-Chief of Breastfeeding Medicine and Professor of Pediatrics, University of Rochester School of Medicine, in her Editorial.
Dr. Lawrence emphasizes that this is a global problem. Despite the fact that initiation of breastfeeding has increased to about 75% of mother-baby pairs, the report of the Third Summit on Breastfeeding, held in June 2011 and published in Breastfeeding Medicine (Volume 6, Number 5, 2011), "focused on the deplorable duration in spite of improvement in initiation," she says.
The current issue features a series of articles that propose a variety of approaches, including mechanisms for intervening during pregnancy and after delivery and discharge home. They highlight the important role that community-based public health programs, prenatal education programs including those made available on the internet, and the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program can play in encouraging longer duration of breastfeeding. Article topics include: "WIC and Breastfeeding Support Services: Does the Mix of Services Offered Vary with Race and Ethnicity?;" "Early Postpartum: A Critical Period in Setting the Path for Breastfeeding Success;" "What Predicts Intent to Breastfeed Exclusively? Breastfeeding Knowledge, Attitudes, and Beliefs in a Diverse Urban Population;" "An Internet-Based Education Program Improves Breastfeeding Knowledge of Maternal-Child Healthcare Providers;" and "A Structured Public Health Approach to Increasing Rates and Duration of Breastfeeding in Romania."
Breastfeeding Medicine, the Official Journal of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine, is an authoritative, peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary journal published bimonthly in print and online. The Journal publishes original scientific papers, reviews, and case studies on a broad spectrum of topics in lactation medicine. It presents evidence-based research advances and explores the immediate and long-term outcomes of breastfeeding, including the epidemiologic, physiologic, and psychological benefits of breastfeeding.
Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. is a privately held, fully integrated media company known for establishing authoritative peer-reviewed journals in many promising areas of science and biomedical research, including Journal of Women's Health, Childhood Obesity, and Pediatric Allergy, Immunology, and Pulmonology. Its biotechnology trade magazine, Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News (GEN) was the first in its field and is today the industry's most widely read publication worldwide. A complete list of the firm's 70 journals, books, and newsmagazines is available on our website at
Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. 140 Huguenot St., New Rochelle, NY 10801-5215
Phone: (914) 740-2100 (800) M-LIEBERT Fax: (914) 740-2101
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U.S.-Iran row overshadows Afghan conference (Reuters)
BONN (Reuters) ? A conference meant to show governments would unite to support Afghanistan was overshadowed on Sunday by a row between Washington and Tehran after Iran said it had shot down a U.S. spy drone in its airspace.
Iranian threats of retaliation over the alleged intrusion added to a storm brewing in the region after Pakistan boycotted the conference in protest against NATO air strikes that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers on its border with Afghanistan on November 26.
International forces in Kabul said the drone may have been one lost last week while flying over western Afghanistan.
Iranian television quoted a military source as saying Tehran had shot down the drone in eastern Iran.
"The Iranian military's response to the American spy drone's violation of our airspace will not be limited to Iran's borders," the military source said, without elaborating.
Iran has been accused in the past of providing low-level backing to the Taliban insurgency, and diplomats and analysts have suggested Tehran could ratchet up this support if it wanted to put serious pressure on U.S. forces in Afghanistan.
Tehran, at loggerheads with the United States over its nuclear programme, denies backing the Taliban.
The row over the U.S. drone is likely to add to despondency over the conference in the German city of Bonn, conceived to set Afghanistan on a path of long-term stability.
"This is an unfortunate incident happening at the wrong time when the Bonn conference is being convened," an Afghan government official told Reuters. "I hope this issue is not dragged into Afghanistan's event."
Afghan President Hamid Karzai was expected to use the conference to appeal for international financial and military support for a decade after combat troops withdraw.
"Afghanistan will certainly need help for another 10 years, until around 2024 ... We will need training for our own troops. We will need equipment for the army and police, and help to set up state institutions," Karzai told Der Spiegel weekly.
"If we lose this fight, we are threatened with a return to a situation like that before September 11, 2001," warned Karzai, referring to Taliban rule.
Yet with Western countries struggling to cope with economic downturn, the United States and European powers are arguing about who should foot the bill to keep Afghanistan afloat after most foreign combat troops leave in 2014.
A World Bank study released last month said Afghanistan was likely to need around $7 billion a year from the international community to help pay its security and other bills long after foreign troops leave.
In such an environment, and with Western public opinion already weary of the 10-year-old war in Afghanistan, the tensions between the United States and Afghanistan's neighbours Iran and Pakistan could not come at a worse time.
Only weeks ago, Turkey hosted a regional conference in Istanbul at which countries including rivals Pakistan and India, along with Russia, China and Iran pledged to work together to bring peace to Afghanistan.
Yet the NATO airstrikes on November 26 -- in circumstances which are fiercely contested by Washington and Islamabad - have plunged U.S.-Pakistan relations to a new low, and also worsened a difficult relationship between Afghanistan and Pakistan.
The United States and Afghanistan say leaders of the Afghan insurgency are based in Pakistan -- a charge it denies -- and want the Pakistanis to bring them to the table for peace talks.
The row with Iran tapped into a long-standing fear that its dispute with the West over its nuclear programme could come to a head at a time when the United States and its allies are struggling to extricate themselves from the war in Afghanistan.
Last Tuesday, Iranian protesters stormed the British embassy in Tehran after London announced sanctions on Iran's central bank in connection with its nuclear programme. Iran denies Western allegations it is seeking nuclear weapons.
Britain evacuated all diplomatic staff and closed its embassy, and also expelled Iranian diplomats from London.
The drone row underlined how far the dispute over Iran's nuclear programme could bleed into the Afghan war.
NATO's International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan said in a statement the drone cited by Iran "may be a U.S. unarmed reconnaissance aircraft that had been flying a mission over western Afghanistan late last week.
"The operators of the UAV lost control of the aircraft and had been working to determine its status."
A U.S. official said there was no indication so far that the Iranian had shot down the drone.
Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi held talks in Bonn with German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle on Sunday, but made no comment. A German foreign office spokesman said Westernwelle told Salehi the ransacking of the British embassy was perceived as an attack on all European Union members.
It was not clear whether Salehi would talk directly with U.S. Secretary Hillary Clinton during Monday's discussions.
The meeting in Bonn, former capital of West Germany, was being attended by foreign ministers from more than 80 countries and takes place a decade after a first Bonn conference on Afghanistan, which ended in high hopes for its future.
Westerwelle said the talks would focus on three areas: security, internal reconciliation and long-term support from world nations.
He also said he believed Pakistan still wanted stability in Afghanistan despite its boycott of the talks.
"I have the impression Pakistan not only wants to cooperate in Afghanistan's stabilisation process but that it is in its own interests (to do so)," he said in an interview with Deutschlandfunk radio.
(Additional reporting by David Brunnstrom, William Maclean and Missy Ryan)
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Monday, December 5, 2011
Stacey Solomon Engaged To Boyfriend Aaron Barnham
Stacey Solomon Engaged To Boyfriend Aaron Barnham
Reality TV star Stacey Solomon is engaged after her long-time boyfriend, Aaron Barnham, proposed on a trip to New York. Aaron, 24, a painter, reportedly [...]
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Sunday, December 4, 2011
Brooke Mueller Busted for Drug Possession (omg!)
Brooke Mueller was arrested while vacationing in Aspen, Colorado for felony cocaine possession with the intention to distribute early Saturday morning.
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In a statement released by the Aspen Police Department, Charlie Sheen's ex, 34, was also busted for a misdemeanor 3rd degree assault charge.
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The mom of 2-year-old twin sons Bob and Max was released from Pitkin County Jail Saturday morning when she posted the $11,000 bond. Mueller has a District Court date of December 19.
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On Christmas day in 2009, Sheen, 46, allegedly held a knife to Mueller's throat and threatened to kill her. He later pled guilty on lesser charges and spent time in rehab, not jail. Since the incident, the two had lived apart, although their divorce wasn't officially granted until this past May. A source told Us Weekly in August that the parents have been "getting counseling and therapy [with] the boys" and Mueller, who has struggled with substance addiction, is "actually responding to treatment."
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Saturday, December 3, 2011
Asian stocks soar on joint central bank action (AP)
BANGKOK ? Asian stock markets soared Thursday after major central banks acted in concert to lower borrowing costs, hoping to prevent a global credit crisis similar to the one that followed the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008.
Japan's Nikkei 225 index rose 2.2 percent to 8,619.26. South Korea's Kospi gained 3.7 percent to 1,916.87 and Hong Kong's Hang Seng jumped 5.1 percent to 18,902.57. Benchmarks in Australia, Singapore, Taiwan and mainland China all rose more than 2 percent.
Wednesday's action by the central banks of Europe, the U.S., Britain, Canada, Japan and Switzerland reduces the rates banks must pay to borrow dollars. The move aims to make loans cheaper so that banks can continue to operate smoothly.
Separately, China's central bank on Wednesday reduced bank reserve levels to release money for lending and help shore up slowing growth.
"The moves were cheered by markets, as it shows central banks are willing to work together to ease Europe's sovereign debt crisis," said Stan Shamu of IG Markets in Melbourne. "It seems China now thinks that slowing growth is more of a risk than inflation after cutting its reserve requirements for the first time since 2008."
Chinese banks soared on the news. Hong Kong-listed Industrial & Commercial Bank of China, the world's largest bank by market value, surged 7.7 percent. Bank of China Ltd. jumped 7.5 percent and Agricultural Bank of China, the country's largest rural lender, rose 7.4 percent.
Worries about Europe's financial system ? and the reluctance of the European Central Bank to intervene ? have caused borrowing rates for European nations to skyrocket. Central banks will now make it cheaper for commercial banks in their countries to borrow dollars, the dominant currency of trade.
But while it should ease borrowing for banks, it does little to solve the underlying problem of mountains of government debt in Europe, leaving markets still waiting for a permanent fix. European leaders gather next week for a summit on the debt crisis.
The move sent the Dow Jones industrial average soaring 490 points, its biggest gain since March 2009 and the seventh-largest of all time.
The Dow rose 4.2 percent to close at 12,045. The Standard & Poor's 500 closed up 4.3 percent at 1,247. The Nasdaq composite index closed up 4.2 percent at 2,620.
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What's next for Spotify? Apps, apparently originally appeared on Engadget on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 08:43:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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Friday, December 2, 2011
93% 50/50
I'm late to the party, but I finally got around to seeing 50/50.Being Seth Rogen's second cancer comedy; first being Funny People, it is a much more subtle film. I found that Joseph Gordon-Levitt, the main talent of the film, delivers an amazing performance that is Oscar worthy. It's not the easiest job in the world to make a cancer comedy, but it somehow works due to the writing from Will Reiser (whom the film is based on) as well as the many touching performances which include Anna Kendrick and Bryce Dallas Howard. An all around good time.Based on a true story, this is the story of Adam (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), who is a regular Joe. He is a writer for a radio station, and works with his hardcore-stoner best friend Kyle (Seth Rogen). He sometimes lives with his menacing, controlling girlfriend (Bryce Dallas Howard) and has a father with Alzheimer's and a clingy mother. Sounds fairly normal for a movie, right? Not at all.After a visit to the doctor due to severe back aches, Adam receives some surprising news: he developed a detrimental tumor located in his upper back. Being an average Joe as I mentioned, it is fairly difficult for Adam to react to something like this normally. In the next few months, Adam endures chemotherapy, heart break, therapy from an inexperienced therapist (Anna Kendrick), and extreme depression. The doctors have given him a 50/50 survival chance, so it's life or death for poor Adam.It's not usual to have a cancer comedy, but somehow, it all works, mainly due to Will Reiser, who wrote the films script. Not only that, the main character was based off of his personal experience from surviving cancer. If that isn't surprising enough, the character Seth Rogen plays is based off of Rogen's experience with this, so technically, he is portraying himself... with a different name. Anyway, the script mostly consists of dramatic moments and dialogue, which frequently include light doses of comedy.While there are some fantastic supporters here, Joseph Gordon-Levitt's supreme, Oscar-worthy performance completely steals the show. Coming off of his magnificent performance in last years mind-twister Inception, and his little indie film Hesher, this artist has outdone himself with one of the best performances of the year thus far, and easily the greatest performance in his brief time on the silver screen.Sweet, sincere, and far from complex; 50/50 is an enjoyable treat for anyone looking for a very good drama. 50/50 is well-made, slightly funny, realistic, and entertaining all the way through.
June 13, 2011Source:
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